Gunner7517 18/04/2021

Great deal. Definitely best processor for the money in 2021.Great for my little brother who likes to play battle royale games while streaming using nvenc. Perfect match for an old gtx 1070 we had laying around.

Mithrandir 17/04/2021

11TH GENERATION MONSTER. I mainly use this CPU to play Minecraft. I am not using an external GPU, and it looks and runs great. I cant use ray tracing, nor did I expect to. I ran a benchmark test and it did really well on the CPU score. I paired it with 16 gig of RAM so the internal GPU would have plenty to share. The ASUS H510M-A motherboard I used did not require a BIOS update. To me that's a big deal. Intel CPUs are good products, and I recommend this one big time.

Carlos V 04/04/2021

Excelente elección calidad-precio. Una de las mejores elecciones por debajo de 200$.Gran desempeño por un buen precio.Ante la dificultad para conseguir tarjetas de video a precios justos, el hecho de que este tenga gráficos integrados, es de utilidad mientras se espera para comprar una grafica.